BEGIN:VCALENDARVERSION:2.0PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//ENMETHOD:PUBLISHBEGIN:VEVENTUID:www.festival-lent.si_1_389DTSTAMP:20150611T190149DTSTART:20150707T170000ZDTEND:20150707T173000ZCATEGORIES:StraßentheaterSUMMARY:THREE OF A KIND (BEL, GER)DESCRIPTION:street performance\n\nPerformers: Craig Weston, Gordon Wilson, Markus Siebert\n\nThree of a Kind are middle-aged men, well-mannered and well-dressed. They have something to deliver but cannot remember neither what nor where nor to whom. Lost and confused, they run around, fall, dance, stumble, and cling to each other for dear life whilst desperately trying to accomplish their forgotten goal.\n\nThey send a special message. Their audience is asked to switch off their phones and their brain! Prepare to see a playful, absurd, emotional and spontaneous interactive street performance.\n\nThree of a Kind are Markus Siebert alias Knäcke, clown and comedian from Bremen, Germany, and the two Belgium-based performers, the core of The Primitives. In total, the three have been performing around the globe for 90-odd years!\n\nSince The Primitives are regular guests of Ana Desetnica, the audience is already familiar with the crew, and after all – Craig Weston, one of its founding members, is a regular mentor at the Šugla school of street theatre, founded by Ana Monro Theatre in 2007. It was Craig Weston with Gordon Wilson who entertained you at Ana Desetnica 2011 with their performance Timber. Moreover, their education at the Jacques LeCoq school of theatre in Paris, France, is reflected in all their performances.LOCATION:Beim Schloss Vetrinjski dvorORGANIZER;CN="BAVARIA WOLLTEX":END:VEVENTEND:VCALENDAR